Instead, we get the vague mention of “trouble in Pariah” (come on, there‘s always trouble in Pariah), warning Teddy and the MiB off that path. We would know for certain if William and Dolores were just there a day ago-there’s no way Teddy and the MiB would avoid any discussion of them once they hit the Confederado-infested town. If we believe (as I do) that Teddy and the MiB are taking the same route William and Dolores did 30 years ago, then it would be a problem, narratively, to have them roll into Pariah this week. There’s also the convenient way the show avoided having Teddy and the MiB go to Pariah. As Maeve and Felix wander around Delos, we see nothing but the “new.” In William’s plot in Episode 2 (and on the ancient computer Bernard accesses in the sub-level this week), we see the “old” logo. Multiple Time Periods: While we’re on the subject of time periods (I know), we got another look at those contrasting logos in this episode. All we do know is that in constructing his big, splashy final narrative, Ford has decided he does not want to touch Las Mudas, the town where Lawrence’s “family” lives. But I wouldn’t get too bogged down in the details here because, once again, this is, in theory, what Ford wants Teddy to tell the MiB about the maze.

Though the part where he mentions a man who has “been killed over and over again countless times but always clawed his way back to life” sounds a lot like a host. The natural assumption, here, is that he’s talking about Arnold (more on that in a bit). Built a house and around that house he built a maze soĬomplicated only he could navigate through it. Major revelation, a big Easter Egg, a character in peril, and a heartbreaking sequence. Returned for a lass time to vanquish all his oppressors in a tirelessįury. Westworld recap: Season 1, Episode 6, The Adversary. The center there is a legendary man who had been killed over and overĪgain countless times but always clawed his way back to life.

You're hard to get.įelix: I can't exactly afford to go to the park, but yeah.
Felix: Everything you do, it's because the engineers upstairs programmed you to do it. On Westworld Season 1 Episode 6, Elsie discovered several people have been messing with the code of the oldest hosts, Bernard met some of those hosts, and even Ford, who knew of those hosts being.